Monday, July 23, 2012

CBR IV: Book 26: Summer Knight: The Dresden Files - Book 4 - Jim Butcher


This is the fourth book in the series, so there are minor spoilers for the previous three books.  

Harry Dresden is still a Wizard.  Like Harry Potter, if Harry Potter was more of a sasshole.  The Red Court of the Vampires has declared war on the Wizard's Council.  It's Harry's fault.  Of course.  Harry gets sucked into doing errands for the Winter Court of the Faeries and their political machinations.  It's all really convoluted and if you are interested, you should just read the book.  Honestly, I finished it a couple of weeks ago and I don't remember much of what happened.  I like this series, but I don't love it as much as I probably should.

This series is always a quick read and pretty entertaining.  The action never really lets up.  Sometimes I just want poor Harry to just take a nap for a chapter.

3/5 Stars

Monday, July 9, 2012

CBR IV: Book 25: The Future of Us - Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler

*Audiobook Review*

The premise of this book sounded intriguing.  In 1996, sixteen-year-old Emma Nelson connects her new computer to AOL.  A box pops up and she logs onto a website called Facebook.  Emma is able to see what she is posting on Facebook 15 years in the future.  She shows the website to her best-friend and neighbor, Josh.  Then they realize that the actions that they are taking in the present are changing their statuses in the future.  OMG you guys!!!

This book is listed as a young-adult novel, but I'm not sure if a teenager today would get all of the min-nineties references that this book beats into your head.  Seriously, they are always listening to Dave Matthews Band or skateboarding, or something else that says, "Hey, remember the nineties?".  Frankly, it's annoying.  Actually, there was a lot about this book that annoyed the crap out of me.  I hated Emma, the main female character.  Especially her narrator in the audiobook version.  I frequently rolled my eyes and complained to my roommate about how much I hate sixteen-year-old girls and their annoying boy obsessions.  There was wayyyy too much whiny romantic entanglements and not enough sci-fi.

2/5 Stars.